Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Millions of Muslims begin Hajj pilgrimage

Time Travel PROOF--iPhone in 1948 Film!

100 Dollar bill secrets

US Dollar Bill under microscope

A message from 20 years in the Future...

Unexplained Photos

Look at her face, scary

Scientist photographed soul leaving the body in death 2nd part

Balancing Chemical Equations

Cesar Millan Lets the Dog's Out - Tribute Video


Funniest outburst in poker ever + one of the biggest pots of WSOP 2010

Best Morgan Freeman impression EVER

Edgar Allan Poe - Introduction

It's Fighting Time

(Click Image or Title for Inspirational Post!!!

Drawing the Line

Have you ever given a new person your phone number just to be polite? I know I have. Sometimes wonderful friendships are made this way....other times, some annoying S.O.B. decides they are going to text message you the very next morning at 6am while they are eating breakfast(and you are sleeping), at 7am while they are in the car(and you are still sleeping), at 8am when they are bored at work(and you are still sleeping), at 9am(when you have only been up for a half hour), and so on and so forth for the rest of the day and night.....every day and night. That is, until you draw the line.......


Self Empowerment

Frailty is defined as "a fault due to weakness especially to moral character"(at least according to http://mirriam-webster.com/ ). I believe frailty is a conditioning of our mind to fold under pressure(as in the case of being bullied or spearately but equally in the case of giving in to some form of temptation. Sure, we have all been frail at times(some of us more than others), but how long do we allow ourselves to remain in this state of mind? When do we gain strength and confidence? When do we start retraining our thought patterns with more positive phrases and self talk(no matter how corny it seems at first)? When????
Self-empowerment is a key factor in ganing both confidence and independence. Self-empowered individuals are often positive, self starters who have taken life into their hands in sturdy fashion without limiting their range of options for desirable career and social advancements. They have overcome most former feelings of frailty and know where they stand.
Self-empowerment is not one of those things one can not achieve overnight.It's going to take some time. So where do you stand? Are you easily swayed or bullied when making a decision? Are you afraid to ask for what you want? Do you voice your opinion every when you really feel strongly about something? Where do you stand? Where?

Think about it people. If frailty, fear and weakness are still a apart of your life, it is time to make a change. Empower yourself today. You can only become the person you envision yourself to be. Tell yourself that. Then tell yourself exactly what you want to be and envision it. For some it even serves them well to act the part. Do what works for you......and do it now!

Personal Evolution


I once remember reading a quote on a poster. It said something to the effect of "If you are still the same man at 40 that you were at 20......what have you done?" Correct my diminishing memory, but I believe this was quoted by none other than the great Mohammed Ali. For a man who has taken so many punishing blows to the head, he sure had a few wise words left for the rest of us.
Personal change and development is almost inevitable for most of us, but unfortunately not for all of us. This is something that many strive for, however, some just seem to hang on to childhood years or adolescent behaviors with no transformation in sight. They are so stuck on trivial things that happened to them that they can not progress forward into newer and brighter days. They are forever 13, 23 or 33. The clock just stopped ticking....and ultimately, it was by their own doing.

The growth of self is a process of concious self-assessment. It is a methodical assessment of ourselves and our behaviors as well as the behaviors of those who we surround ourselves with. It is an assessment of our world, our environment, and a desire to adapt and grow. It is a realization that some things are beyond our liking or our control......but, so what! That's life.

Do not let anything or anyone stand in the way of your personal growth or evolution. Those who are remaining emotionally stagnant will try to pull you down to former times in the most creative of ways, but it is up to you to resist. How bad do you want to move forward? Where do you envision yourself heading before your days are done? Will you let anything or anyone stop you? I sure hope not. There is much too much at stake. The risks far outweigh the rewards. So....onward and upward as they say! Evolve.

Black Smoke on the Charles

Michael Nuanes, Denver Police Officer, Claims Girlfriend Attacked Him With Justin Bieber Doll In Domestic Abuse Case

Michael Nuanes, a 37-year-old Denver Police Officer, was arrested January 27 for allegedly beating his girlfriend after an argument spiraled out of control. Nuanes says his girlfriend assaulted him with a Justin Bieber doll and injured his foot.

Click Title or Image for Full Story!!!

Stray Pit Bull saves a woman and child from attacker.

Angela was leaving the playground in Port Charlotte with her two year old son, when something unimaginable happened. An unknown man attacked them at knifepoint.
When most people see a stray Pit Bull running around, they get nervous, and even scared. Although on this day, he was Angela's guardian angel. A 65 pound male pit bull charged the man and drove him off.

“I don’t think the dog physically attacked the man, but he went at him and was showing signs of aggression, just baring his teeth and growling and barking. It was clear he was trying to defend this woman,” Animal Control Lt. Brian Jones told Pet Pulse.
The remarkable part of this story is this dog had never seen Angela before, and selflessly defended them. The dog probably saved their lives.

After the man ran away, Angela grabbed her child and ran to get in the car to drive away, when the dog jumped into the backseat. They then waited for police.

Angela says if the dog's owners do not come forward to take him home, they will be adopting him. Angela calls him their "angel", which will be his name if they are able to adopt him.
Sometimes these stories get lost in the mix, I thought this was a wonderful dog and wanted to share this story with you. I hope you get the warm, fuzzy feeling I get when reading this. Animals are amazing.

By Stacy Jinkins

Orlando Inspirational Pets Examiner

B.O.P.E (Bolt Of Positive Energy) Now in Effect for the CCHHI of 2012

Fitness - Sexy Torture Workout

NC State Reacts to 2012 NCAA Tournament Appearance

The Hardest Thing in Life

Real Maya Prediction of 2012 !!!

BMJ admits antipsychotic drugs kill far more people than terrorism


Medical Cannabis Lecture - Bringing cannabis back into the medicine cabinet

Global Marijuana March 2012 | Worldwide City List

Concentrated Wealth

blewit burritos - how to cultivate blewits