Thursday, February 23, 2012

The First FDA-Approved Home Sperm Count Test Is Now Available

Have you ever wondered about your sperm count? I know I have, but not enough to go to a doctor's office and subject myself to an awkward and expensive test. But for a $30 at-home test? I'm in.

How To Fix A Plasma TV |

How To Fix A Plasma TV |

Neck |

Neck |

Vidiots! Stupid Santa, Naughty Dog, or Snowtard? |

Vidiots! Stupid Santa, Naughty Dog, or Snowtard? |

WORLD'S DUMBEST: Rinse and Repeat |

WORLD'S DUMBEST: Rinse and Repeat |

Most Daring A Better Place to Brawl |

Most Daring A Better Place to Brawl |



3rd World Superman |

3rd World Superman |

World's Funniest Videos - full episode


Stupid terrorists (Four Lions)

Big Shot Gun

Man kills himself,he make Suicide in front of Camera.! faces of death

WARNING GRAPHIC: McDonald's shooting

Shooting at Brooklyn Bodega Caught On Tape

Brooklyn Ax Murder

JUST SOLD in RALEIGH NC! 4BR/2 1BA Single Family House in Raleigh, NC, $250,000

For Sale: 4BR/2 1BA Single Family House in Raleigh, NC, $250,000

Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home? This Realtor Gets Results!!

Your Phone is Making You a Terrible Person?

Anyone who spends any time in public knows that there are any number of ways a cell phone can turn a person into an asshole, but now science has discovered yet another way that phones are ruining us and destroying our social fabric. It turns out, according to a study from the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, that after people used their phones for even a short period, they were less likely to engage in "prosocial" behavior than a control group was. That means that they were less likely to volunteer and weren't as diligent about trying to complete a word problem even though they were aware that their answers would provide money for charity. Jerks! And what's worse, it turns out you don't even need to talk on your phone—you only need to think about it. Researchers observed the same drop in prosocial behavior after a group of study participants was asked to draw a picture of their cell phone and think about using it.

Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app

When you download Waze, you not only get free navigation, but also become part of the local driving community in your area, joining forces with other drivers nearby to outsmart traffic, save time and improve everyone's daily commute. All you have to do is drive, so get involved today!

Minimum Wages Could Be Lowered In Arizona, Florida

WASHINGTON -- Republican lawmakers in Arizona are pushing legislation that would lower the legal minimum wage for younger part-time workers and tipped workers such as restaurant servers, just as Florida lawmakers are considering dropping their state's tipped rate as well.

In both cases, proponents of the measures are arguing that the wage floor for such employees is too onerous on businesses.

National Foreclosure Settlement: Several States Using Funds From Deal To Close Budget Gaps

The ink wasn't even dry on a settlement with the nation's top mortgage lenders when Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon laid claim to a chunk of the money to avert a huge budget cut for public colleges and universities.

He's not the only politician eyeing the cash for purposes that have nothing to do with foreclosure. Like a pot of gold in a barren field, the $25 billion deal offers a tempting and timely source of funding for state governments with multimillion-dollar budget gaps.

Study: Marijuana Could Stop Growth of Colon Cancer Cells

(NaturalNews) Ever since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to allow drug companies to air direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertisements for prescription drugs on national television back in 1997, drug industry sales and profits have soared exponentially. Combined with its direct-to-doctor (DTD) marketing-slash-bribery schemes and the endless creation of new drugs for made-up diseases and conditions, Big Pharma has successfully created a hypochondriac society where every feeling, emotion, and unique human idiosyncrasy is considered to be a disease in need of a drug -- and millions of people have bought into the lie.

Learn more:

Supply-driven pharmaceutical drug and disease marketing has turned nation into pill-popping hypochondriacs

Supply-driven pharmaceutical drug and disease marketing has turned nation into pill-popping hypochondriacs

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version

Rush Limbaugh’s Message Fits Definition Of Treason (AUDIO)

On his radio show recently, Rush Limbaugh doubled down on his infamous statement that, “I hope Obama fails.” He took bizarre delight in bragging that he “was the only voice saying ‘I hope he fails,” and I was severely criticized for it.”

In discussing Obama, Rush further said that at least with George W. Bush, “We didn’t have someone hell-bent on destroying the economy.”

Drug War Profiteers Offer To Buy ALL State Owned Prisons In 48 States

Contractors Cash in on Mexican Drug War

Hawaii Church Takes Cannabis Claims To Federal Appeals Court

​The 9th Circuit last week heard arguments to let a Native American church get some marijuana replaced that federal drug agents confiscated and local police destroyed years ago.

Cop tasers handcuffed girl and now she is braindead!